Upcoming events
For each event, click on the first line that says “Google Calendar : ICS” if you wish to create an entry in your own Google or Apple calendar.
Village Hall AGM
The Village Hall Annual General Meeting will take place in the Village Hall on Monday 13 January at 7:00pm. This is your hall so come along to tell us what you want from it. New committee members are very welcome.
Parish Council Meeting
There will be a Parish Council Meeting in the Village Hall Committee Room on Tuesday 11 January at 7:30pm. The agenda will be available a week beforehand.
Coffee morning
Come along to the Village Hall for a coffee morning on Thursday 16 January. Enjoy the opportunity for a chat and to listen to the music provided by Fred Noyce.
Community Library
The Community Library in the Old School Room has a good selection of fiction. Come and have a browse on Thursday 23 January between 10:00am and 11:30am.
Parish Council Meeting
There will be a Parish Council Meeting in the Village Hall Committee Room on Tuesday 11 March at 7:30pm. The agenda will be available a week beforehand.
Hearty Breakfast
The Hearty Breakfast will take place in the Village Hall on Saturday 22 March. Tickets are £8 (£3 for 5 and under) and will be on sale from 13 January.
Carols in the Barn
You are invited to Carols in the Barn at Hock Ridge Farm, Woodtown on Friday 20 December at 6:00pm. Carol singing will be followed by mince pies and mulled wine.
Community Library
The Community Library in the Old School Room has a good selection of fiction. Come and have a browse on Thursday 19 December between 10:00am and 11:30am.
Carols by Candlelight
This year’s Candlelit Carol Service will take place in St Andrew’s Church on Wednesday 11 December, starting at 6:00pm.
Decorate the Church
Come and help decorate the church for Christmas! Children particularly welcome - we will be decorating the tree and setting out the Nativity sets.
Community Library
The Community Library in the Old School Room has a good selection of fiction. Come and have a browse on Thursday 28 November between 10:00am and 11:30am.
Quiz Night
Quiz Night on Saturday 16 November at 7:00pm in the Village Hall. Teams of six; £7 per head to a light supper. Details in “Alwington News”
Coffee morning
Come along to the Village Hall for a coffee morning on Thursday 14 November. Enjoy the opportunity for a chat and to listen to the music provided by Fred Noyce.
Parish Council Meeting
There will be a Parish Council Meeting in the Village Hall Committee Room on Tuesday 12 November at 7:30pm. The agenda will be available a week beforehand: click here
Remembrance Sunday
A Service of Remembrance will take place on Sunday 10 November, beginning at 10:50am by the Memorial outside St Andrew’s Church.
Autumn Fair
The Church Autumn Fair will take place in the Village Hall on Saturday 9 November, from 11:30am till 3:00pm.
Browse the stalls! Cakes & produce; raffle; mystery bags, etc.
Entry is free. Homemade soup and a roll £2. All proceeds will go towards the maintenance of the church.
Community Library
The Community Library in the Old School Room has a good selection of fiction. Come and have a browse on Thursday 24 October between 10:00am and 11:30am.
ARA Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Alwington Residents Association will take place in the Village Hall Committee Room at 7:00pm on Tuesday 22 October. For details about the ARA please click the button below:
Hog Roast
The Hog Roast and Apple Fest will take place in the Old School Room on Sunday 19 October, starting at 6:00pm. £8 for hog roast roll followed by a choice of apple-based desserts.
Coffee morning
Come along to the Village Hall for a coffee morning on Thursday 17 October. Enjoy the opportunity for a chat and to listen to the music provided by Fred Noyce.
Autumn Breakfast
The Autumn Hearty Breakfast will take place in the Village Hall on Saturday 12 October. Tickets must be bought in advance (on sale from 17 August) and cost £8 for adults; £3 for children.
Songs of Praise
Come along to St Andrew’s Church on Sunday 29 September at 11:00am for a service of Songs of Praise
Joyce's Coffee Morning
Joyce’s coffee morning will take place on Friday 27 September from 10.00am to 12:00 noon in the Old School Room. This is an annual event in memory of Joyce Westaway. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be available and there will also be a raffle, a cakes & produce stall and bric-a-brac for sale.
Community Library
The Community Library in the Old School Room has a good selection of fiction. Come and have a browse on Thursday 26 September between 10:00am and 11:30am.
Growing a Wilder Community
Following a successful first afternoon at the end of June, our next event will take place next to the church, in and around the Old School Room on Sunday 22 September between 2:30pm and 5:00pm.
Afternoon Tea
Come to the Village Hall on Saturday 14 September for afternoon tea.
£4.50 per person. Proceeds to the Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Garden Fund.
Devon Historic Churches Open Day
Come and visit St Andrew’s Church, a Grade I listed building with wonderful wood carvings. The church will be open from 9:30am to 12:30pm.
For more information about Devon Historic Churches click here: Devon Historic Churches Trust
Coffee morning
Come along to the Village Hall for a coffee morning on Thursday 12 September. Enjoy the opportunity for a chat and to listen to the music provided by Fred Noyce.
Parish Council Meeting
There will be a Parish Council Meeting in the Village Hall Committee Room on Tuesday 10 September at 7:30pm. The agenda will be available a week beforehand: click here
Harvest Festival
This year’s Harvest Festival will take place in St Andrew’s Church on Sunday 8 September at 11.00am. Harvest gifts are welcome and will either be donated to the food bank or auctioned for church funds.
The service4 will be followed by a ‘Bring and Share’ lunch in the Old School Room.
Community Library
The Community Library in the Old School Room has a good selection of fiction. Come and have a browse on Thursday 22 August between 10:00am and 11:30am.
Annual Horticultural Show
This year’s annual horticultural show will take place in the Village Hall on Saturday 17 August. Copies of the schedule of classes and prizes will be available in the Village Hall and Old School Room.
Community Library
The Community Library in the Old School Room has a good selection of fiction. Come and have a browse on Thursday 25 July between 10:00am and 12:00 noon.
Coffee morning
Come along to the Village Hall for a coffee morning on Thursday 18 July. Enjoy the opportunity for a chat and to listen to the music provided by Fred Noyce.
Parish Council Meeting
There will be a Parish Council Meeting in the Village Hall Committee Room on Tuesday 9 July at 7:30pm. The agenda will be available a week beforehand: click here
Jumble Sale
Come along to the Village Hall and find a bargain at the Jumble Sale., starting at 2:00pm. All proceeds will go to the creation of ‘The Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Garden’ in Fairy Cross.
Offers of items for sale will be welcome, just drop them off in the hall entrance where they will be collected daily, plants and cakes for selling will be welcome on the sale day.